Monday, September 15, 2008

A Good Day

I think it's funny that I'm making a big deal out of starting E on cow's milk. You would think we were starting it super early, and in actuality, it's not that early at all. I guess seeing him drink milk just makes him seem like such a Big Kid to me. I wonder if moms who formula-feed feel like the transition to cow's milk is as significant.

By the way, today is the kind of day I love being a stay-at-home mom. E and I are in good places, and most importantly, fall has arrived and it's not blazing hot outside. I think the weather has everything do to with how today feels. The house is still and quiet--no AC in the background--and a cool breeze is blowing through the open windows. I was finally able to air out E's room, which has been hot and stuffy and mildly stinky lately. We always keep the curtains closed in there because the sun beats down on that side of the house in the afternoon, and his room gets really hot. So it felt great to tie the curtains back and open the window. E pulled up on the windowsill and stared wide-eyed at the trees and the cars and the street and laughed when the wind blew across his face.

This afternoon I bought his birthday gift from me and TJ. I've been dying to get this for him. It's a set of musical instruments for children. The set comes with castanets, jingle bells, maracas, and a tambourine. We hope he grows to feel music deep in his bones, and that he learns that, like books, music will always be there for him.

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